Why American companies are in trouble.
I wonder if the head of GM will read my thoughts.
GM. Their motto should be "It's the least we could do". I wouldn't buy a GM car on a bet. Why would anyone buy from a seller who is out to do the "worst possible job" for them? Upon entering a GM dealership, you will be confronted by a salesman who is instructed to control the environment and to charge you the "maximum" price possible. Is this in my best interest? They are definitely looking for victims - the weak and helpless. When did the customer get relegated to low man on the totem pole? I wonder what the attitude is of the service department is - let me guess. This is what happens when non-customer focused lawyers and accountants take over. Maximize profit at any cost to the customer - instead of - How can we do a better job for the customer? They can restructure from now till doomsday- if they don't change the Corporate culture to one that puts the customer first - they will continue to slowly disappear.
United/Delta et al. They obviously want to charge you the maximum possible - looking for victims again. What sense does it make to have travelers on a plane paying 20 different prices for their seat? Why a complex pricing structure except to confuse the potential victims so that some are paying 3 times - 5 times the price for a ticket. Recent Delta trip was extremely uncomfortable - absolutely no room - even for your feet. No thought given to the needs of the customer. Will they ever wake up?
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